Pathways to University
What if you don't meet the entry criteria (ATAR or pre-requisites) to get into a university course?
You should first make an appointment with Naomi or Rita in the Pathways office at BSSC. We can sit down with you and discuss your options.
Some pathways might be:
Apply for a course with a lower ATAR.
Apply for a related TAFE course which allows you to progress to university later.
Complete a foundation/preparatory course, offered at some universities. For example, at La Trobe Bendigo Campus, you can enrol in the Tertiary Prepration Program. Other universities offer similar pathway courses to some courses.
Some universities (RMIT, Swinburne and Victoria) also have TAFE courses, allowing pathways from Diploma to Degrees in various fields.
How pathways work at RMIT
Example of someone's pathway from TAFE to university
Myth Buster - University vs TAFE
Do you believe that...
TAFE is just for tradies?
TAFE students don't work as hard as Uni students?
Going to Uni is the only way to get a good job?
Uni is for A+ students and TAFE is for low achievers?
There are TAFE courses in a variety of industry fields, including Tourism, IT, Engineering, Health, Business, etc.
Both TAFE and Uni require commitment - a full-time course at TAFE requires full-time commitment to complete homework and practical placements.
Uni is not the only way to get a job. Certificate and Diploma level courses in certain fields have better employment outcomes than a university degree!
When deciding which institution is for you, research what that particular industry/career requires in terms of qualifications.
Not all Unis have the same quality - Not all TAFE and Vocational providers have the same quality. Research to find out which one has the best teaching quality, employment rates and student satisfaction.
Make an informed choice! Don't just pick a course from a book or a website.
Speak to BSSC Careers staff to find out more.